Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Film Review - Archies Final Project

Film Review

Archies Final Project

A film that spurs on curiousity and intregue, Archies Final Project portrays a deep insight into the life of a heavily troubled teen, who deals with personal problems in a unique way.

Coping with emotional depression from his lack of a 'happy' childhood, Archie announces that he is going to commit suicide on camera for a school project, which slowly drives him into all sorts of trouble.

The presentation of the film is unique. Using many different techniques which symbolise and describe Archie's life stuggles, one technique being computer animated effects. Adding all these designs together, I think that it completes the film. The film feels more surreal; using both a video recorder held by Archie, and actual studio cameras. It shows the film directly from Archies point of view.

Archie is shown to interact with life around him. Any mistakes he makes, he can review them again at home with his camera. This gives the film distinctive, eccentric aura. It's as if he can watch his life again.

Overall, I think that Archie's Final Project is a abstract perspective that isnt afraid to make taboo statements, defend them, and explain them.