Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Habit - Evaluation

As Director, it was my job to overall job to manage the film. I oversaw both Camera Man and Boom Operator in their jobs. I was also script supervisor, having wrote the script myself I thought it was the best thing to do. In pre-production, I handled making a Facebook page and communicating with our makeup team and actors to ensure everyone was up to date with plan. Since we had a mixup with our first actor, it was imperrative everyone was aware of changes. We had to decline any more help from our makeup team because of the short deadline and changed actors. I also researched all infomation about our project to add to the script, and made sure everything was truthful. During production I was the one to find the locations and choose where to shoot. I communicated with cameraman in deciding which places to put the camera.

The voice actors were excellent, it was incredibly fun to make with them, and it meant that we got to know some of the first year actors a little bit more.

Video Completion

Our video came out fantastic, I and the team were happy with our end result. Even though our actors were switched, we still managed to keep track of things and come out with a nice end result. Though continuity was shown in the editing - probably from our un-leniar filming, we pulled together to create an excellent edit. The music both Ryan and Richard found from free royalty music websites worked incredibly well with our film.

The video itself was very unique, as the point we wanted to get across was the damage smoking can do to the mind, especially with youth. Our voice overs added an eeirie effect to our film. Combined with saturation dimming and darkening shots, the film managed to portray a creepy vibe which I hope adds more impact to our films' morale.

On the editing side, technical expertise of the film is good, though slightly experimental. A few places have shots a little longer than they should be, and the voiceovers clips only produced sound in the left side, meaning altering caused them to because more quiet, but we worked with what we had.

I feel like altough I myself am not a smoker, I felt like the researched I found out while adding to the script had an impact on me, I didnt know much about the harms of smoking but I knew a lot of my friends found that they took up smoking because of stress. For instance, the substance that causes calm in nicotene is called Dopamine; which effects wear off in a short amount of time, causing the smoker to go back to their stressful habit. I feel like this film will take an impact on those who have the same ideals as my friends. The horror style helps out, making sure the film is remembered.

As for the Cut Films criteria, I think that we managed to make sure that the film ticked their boxes. Research about the subject is clearly heard from the voiceovers in the film. Storyboards and shotlists are a clear indication of our well-organised planning.


The first thing we did was to make sure a completed version on the film was online. We added the film to youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QNBl-kPQ18

After that, a survey on SurveyMonkey was created: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6Q9FM82

The survey recieved 12 responces.

All 12 were male, aged 13-20+. 11 of the participants were non-smokers, 7/12 knew the basics of how smoking can effect a person mentally. 11/12 thought that the videos morale was shown clearly and effectively.

In Conclusion

I am incredibly happy with our results. Since we had a few mishaps along the way, I thought the film would've turned out hastily made, but I am greatful each member of the team - both crew and cast - pulled together to create an impacting anti-smoking video.