Thursday, June 12, 2014

Unit 54, Task 4 - Review


In my head, the Poster/CD Cover ect would have the backdrop of the Victorian Village, so I took a couple stills of the chimneys surrounding the area, which I used for the actual poster. I had pre planned for the poster to show Tobias in the foreground and Miss Stone somewhere behind, both facial expressions will be mysterious; Tobias would be more agitated and Miss Stone would seem confident and suspicious.

(Poster is too large to be placed into this blog post)


Photoshop is not my strong point. Producing the Poster, DVD sleeve and CD cover took alot of attempts, as I did not understand alot of the tools of Photoshop. Luke helped me greatly through alot of things and I managed to get it done because of him. I was happy with my final product, even though I could of done alot better if I knew more about the tools of photoshop. Tutorials on tools helped also.

This was my first time using Photoshop, therfor I had no experience beforehand. My end product seems basic, and standard, but my skill is developing. I would not say I have mastered photoshop yet.

Problem Solving

Sizes of the images needed was a struggle for me, as well as other things. Luke helped me understand which sizes to use for what, but I still dont completely understand. I used basic tools that seemed easy enough to use, although one tool - used to crop out unnessicary background from strands of hair - took a while to complete, and was very time consuming. There was probably a better and faster way around this method, but I followed the tutorial and was happy with the object it produced.

Appropriate for the Audience?

Anaesthetic's BBFC was labelled 15, as it contained the use and mention of drugs. This wouldnt be too acceptable for those as young as 12. 15 rated works are not suitable for those under that age, at 15; drug taking may be shown, but the film must not promote or encourage the drugs being used (e.g misuse).

Product Management

We worked hard to create the poster that fitted the era, I changed my design quite a few times but I ended up picking a design I and the rest of the team liked.

Areas of Improvement

Better knowlage of photoshop. I need to look over more tutorials so I get a better understanding of the tools, both basic and difficult.

Technical Competencies

The sizes/resolution for images confused me, I would need a much better understanding of these before I create more

Technical Qualities

I have learned quite a few things, and even improved on some tools that I used. How to use layers, and how they work. Colour Correction of images, to make them seem vintage and set in the right time period, and how to create text and layer it over images efficiantly.


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