Sunday, November 16, 2014

Behind the Scenes

The video I have chosen to show and analyse is a DVD feature of The Hunger Games, and how actors were physically trained for their role. I will describe some of the conventions of Behind the Scene videos, and more importantly why they are used.

The video starts off introducing one of the main characters of the film (Josh Hutcherson), he explains about how he had to put on muscle for his character. This interview shows both Josh talking to the interviewer about his role, and also cutaways of the training that he had to do, the cutaways are shown so that the viewer has a better understanding of what Josh is talking about. These are short (around three) cutaways which involve Josh working out. I think it would be important to show cutaways of what the interviewee is talking about, as it adds more diversity to the shots used.

The music used throughout the video is suits the style of The Hunger Games. It's smooth and not majorly loud which is important since the viewer may be too distracted by it.

Every time a new actor is shown on in the interview room, They have their real and character name appear next to them, so that the viewers are definitely sure of who they are currently looking at.

The texts font and color seems basic, but effective. The text fades in, and back out again. It could be more effective by making it animated more, just to create more of a pleasing look.

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