Thursday, January 15, 2015

Understanding the Film and TV industry

Making it in the Film Industry


The job I have chosen to reach is Scriptwriting, I will research how to obtain this specific job role.

The skills of your creative work you develop while working for your qualification are greatly benificial. The higher quality of the creative work you generate, the higher your job chances are. A qualification from a respected university is seen as a good indication of ability, making a development exec, producer or agent more inclined to consider your submission.

The basics of scriptwriting can be learned through self study, and books from the library. A screenwriting course is also something which can help with developing weaknesses in your work and critical thinking. Most writers also benifit in trusted readers which are capable in giving constructive feedback.

Sending Scripts

Begin to send your scripts out, Though don't expect to hear anything back the first couple times. For example, BBC writersroom is one place which welcomes scripts and gives feedback on promising work.

Managing rejection is a big part of this process, though perseverance pays off.

Extra Jobs

Getting your foot into the film industry by taking a backroom job isnt necessary, but make sure you have a good script at the ready. Almost all starting writers needs a second job to pay the bills. Runners, film producers assistants are all steps into the media.

  • It is greatly benificial to spend atleast one day on a film set.
  • Be mobile, and don't wait for opportunities to come to you.
  • Try to get work experience as much as you can afford.
  • Don't be afraid of messing things up, use it as research.
  • Get a little close to actors and directors to see how they work with the script.
  • Travel around, it can free you to write from your own experience.
  • Try to write every day, or atleast know that there are competitors in the writing business who do.
  • Read some screenplays.

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