Monday, June 8, 2015

Father Of Lies - Blog Diary

Filming started on the 13th of April, Monday. After a difficulty with arriving to the location, we all managed to meet at Hartlepool a little behind schedule. We started filming almost straight away, managing to get around half a scene done, before our SD card in the camera ran out of memory. We will be filming both on the 14th and 15th, almost all day.

More scenes were completed on the second day, we were happy with the progress. I also suggested we use tilted shots more, to have more effect on the horror genre, the tilted angles make mid shots and close ups seem more creepy and eerie. These shots were influenced by the ones used on American Horror Story. Sam has said she wants to recreate an opening credits scene which also related to American Horror, by using cutaways lasting 1-2 seconds long and twist them about, making them fast, slow, cutting frames out, ect.

The third day of filming went great. All scenes are now complete, as well as our cutaways for the opening scene, and a photoshoot which we think went well. Actors were happy with the progress. I had to stop a few shots from happening as a risk was posed on the actress Amber. In one scene, the desperate Dallas tries to escape Abraxas, leaping out of her chained chair and making a break for the steps of the cellar. Abraxas pushes her back into the chair with demontic force, Dallas flying back without control. We tried it once, the chair flew back when Amber pushed herself onto it, the chair itself being incredibly unstable. Even though she said she was alright with another shot, I did not want her to injure herself by breaking the chair and falling. Apart from that, things seemed to go well.

Music is next. I have a lot of cuts from Habit, which are all from royalty free music websites. We will try to look for things like humming, laughing, and anything else that seems like it fits the eerie genre.

Amber worked incredibly well on the set of Father of Lies. She was enthusiastic, and pushed her abilities. She helped out with things that Sam asked.

Leo loved the subject of genre. With guidance, he achieved what Sam wanted.

All three shooting days are finished, now we move onto editing. Sam is taking lead, and I will assist in any way I can. Sam has already made an animated title for Father of Lies, and we are now working on opening credits, involving fast paced closeups of creepy things in the cellar, Leo and Amber also appear breifly, hiding their faces so to not give much away.

Editing is going well, it's mostly experimenting with what we can do. I've given Sam around 50 sound effects that I used from Habit. Placed over one another, it should create a creepy ambience that mactches Father of Lies. Sam is making incredible progress.

We will also have interviews with the actors, for something to add to her film, and possibly a blooper reel too.

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