Monday, June 8, 2015

Hits - The History of Pop

Blog Diary


By researching my chosen decade (The 90's) I have made a script I think is suitable for my piece. I am still debating on whether I should use an Acting student to narrate for me, as I feel like they would present my piece much more better than me. I will get in contact with an acting friend (either Dominique or Rosa) over the weekend.

Whoever presents my piece will be sitting at a desk, it will be in the center of shot, while the green screen will show a possible white background. I will use a fair amount of cutaways of the different subjects the presenter will be talking about, and also both mid shots and close ups of my presenter for a little more balance.

I have fully finished a storyboard, explaining each shot I would like to use in the documentary. It is fairly simple. I have not made an intro to my documentary yet, but I believe this will also contain not much complexity, mainly because I am not skilled at the tools needed to create such things. I will be finding the clips I would like to show cutaways from over the weekend, this should be a simple task.


I have found clips I would like to use, and my presenter (Sam) has been filmed reading the script, the presenting all went great, sound levels, lighting, all good. Sam was wearing a dark green coat at the time which I did not notice, but during an edit test it seemed that the clips were fine to work with. I have found a music piece for background sound which suits the atmosphere. I have placed all the clips in order and things seem good, the clips I am using are low quality, but i feel that I should keep these like that, as it gives off the gritty, 90's vibe which I was hoping to go for. 

I have yet to complete a title sequence, I am not sure how to make them, I have been searching for tutorials online but I'm not sure where to start, since I have been focused on everything else.

End Result

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