Monday, June 8, 2015

Unit 31: Social Action & Community Media Production

This blog will document my progress on this production, and also the groups progress to completing the brief. It will cover research and ideas that I come up with. This research will be added to my assignment folder.

Habit - An Anti-Smoking Video

Basic Ideas

The Audience will be for teens, specifically those who may be going through a hard time with exams or tests and think that smoking will help through stress/anxiety/mood ect. It will hopefully also effect children who have not started smoking yet, and convice them it isnt wise.

I will hopefully cover the mental health side of smoking.

I will need to research how smoking effects the brain, nerves, and anything that may help. I am currently adding pages of facts to my folder. Also making a mindmap on my basic ideas.

It would also be important to make sure everything I research is up-to-date information.

Pitch Complete

I have completed a pitch, ready for presentation. The idea will cover a girls journey as she takes up smoking to 'cure' her stress and anxiety. Multiple narrators will explain the negatives smoking has on the brain, as this is happening, the girl is gradually becoming more stressed ect. I will show this by using places like college to get more of a vibe of what typical teen life is like. As the short goes on, the saturation of the clips will slowly degrade into grey scale. I would like to reuse some of my locations from the PMP since they would suit the grunge/suburban type style.

Script and Proposal Complete

Habit is an anti-smoking video witch focuses on an place which smoking affects, and where a lot of teens look to smoking for help with it; the mind.

The piece will be informative, and hopefully hit hard with teens who believe smoking can help anxiety, stress, depression, and such. I think a unique selling point will be that the theme of the video will be a bit creepy and eerie.

A proposal has been made, as well a script which I have time checked and will cover roughly 2 minutes. I am very eager to pitch my idea, as I think it is a good contender.

Pitch Accepted!

Pitch presentations went very well, Habit got praise for being a unique idea, and the tackling on mental health was its unique selling point.

Neil said that it would be beneficial if I made the audience less broad; Habits main audience will be aimed at 17-18 college students. Also representation wise, it might be beneficial to research facts and statistics on the male to female ratio on smoking - who smokes more? Do they have different reasons?

I think that Habits audience should be for all genders, as the point I want to make in this video is about stress and anxiety due to smoking, and stress isnt restricted to just one gender. I can put more things into the script which suggest the video is aimed at all college students, not just female. One thing would be to mention at the start that Maisy (main character of the video) is a college student, who is stressed from things like college, social problems, ect.

Hyperlinks to useful websites

Effects of smoking links

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